Saturday, January 3, 2009

My baby Mayzie is 2

On December 20th 2006, I laid in my bedroom with the lights off and fought through labor pains as long as I could. Finally, I yelled to Curt that it was time to go. He helped me to the car and drove me through a snow storm to the hospital. My mom then wheeled me up to labor and delivery while Curt parked the car. They got me right into a room. The nurse checked me and said I was dilated to a 10. I was so relieved, I couldn't see how the pain could get much worse. The doctor was near by and came straight to my room. He gave me the go to start pushing. Curt made it back just in time to see me, with a few strong pushes, deliver my second daughter. My life hasn't been the same since:)

Mayzie has brought such a sweet spirit to our lives. She has been such a smiley, yet feisty little girl. She is always making us laugh with all of her funny things she says and does. She loves snuggles, dogs, blankets, and her family. I can't imagine life without her sweet smile.

This picture says it all! Mayzie wakes up with this smile everyday:)

Look who's two

Mayzie and Hallie playing with one of Mayzie's B- Day gifts.

We had a fun family get together at Grandma Lisa's with cake, ice cream and presents. Mayzie had so much fun playing with her sister, cousins, and friends. Thanks so much to all of you for making it a special night for Mayzie Ray.


{jane} said...

Mayzie could not be any cuter! My gosh, she's adorable! happy birthday!

Audra said...

Happy Birthday to such a sweet adorable little girl! I hope she had the most wonderful day!

Unknown said...

Oh, Happy Birthday Mayzie. I love her and i can't believe she is 2. Wow!!

Reagan and Mike said...

So cute cass! and congratulations on a boy!!! I'm so excited for you! We need to get together again soon!

The Stones said...

happy birthday mayzie! congrats on the boy and hawaii. what a fun couple of months. i'm so so excited. that little dude will fit right in. yay, how fun. i'll let you know next time we come to utah. my email is i'm thinking about doing a birthing blog for all of us natural mamas. it's nice to have a support group. let me know if you are interested.

Carli and Tika said...

I have corrected the problem! Take a peek at my blog!

Unknown said...

She is so cute! congrats on the boy! that is so exciting!

Lisa Ford said...
