Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's Alive!!!!

Today I got to hear my babies heart beat for the first time. I have never been nervous during a pregnancy before until this time. You hear that most women have at least one miscarriage in their lifetime so I've felt like my turn must be coming. As soon as the doctor put the "thingy" on my stomach, there it was...... Bum Bum, Bum Bum. It's little heart beat was fast and strong. Hearing that always makes things seem more real. It helps me realize that I am growing another sweet spirit in my own belly and it is about to join our family.

I love pregnancy!! I love waking up in the middle of the night and feeling my stomach in all different shapes. I love watching my belly grow with each month. I love feeling the baby move and kick. And most of all I love labor. It is so intense while you're in it and then all of sudden the room stops and there it is.... your own baby that you get to watch grow up and love. My favorite part of having baby #2 (Mayzie) was realizing that each child is different. They have their own personalities and love you in a different way. They bring a new flavor to your family. I can't wait to meet baby #3. Children are miracles and I love them so much.

Sorry for the novel. I am just very pationate about this subject:-) I feel so blessed to have my babies and I want you all to know that.


{jane} said...

what a special day to hear the heartbeat! i love pregnancy and birth too, it's so amazing. you are the sweetest momma ever. adore you.

Hightower said...

It is a very neat and special thing!! I'm so excited for you ; )

Karleen said...

I could not agree with you more. You are so sweet and such a good mom. Reading this really makes me want to have another baby.

Carli and Tika said...

Um I don't think these people know what kind of labor you are talking about!Yes I LOVE my labor I go in I feel a little pain(With Kai I was an 8 with the pit so give me some credit) But then I get the drugs!!! I think you are a great mother to actually go through LABOR! But I am very excited to meet the new addition, You are more then a 1/3 of the way done!

Travis and Teresa Wilson said...

I love that sound it is so comforting. I am so excited for you guys.

The Wright's said...


Hi! This is Danielle Wright! I just checked out your blog...and I just wanted to tell you congratulations!! That is great that you are prego!! I can't believe this is number three for you guys! Time goes by so doesn't seem that long ago we were working at the sizz!! Your girls are beautiful!!!

us... said...

Thanks so much for that sweet post...sometimes in the last weeks I start to forget why I love it so much:] The doctor said she doesn't think I will go past 38 weeks which i hope comes true! You are such a good little momma!

Natalie said...

Congrats on baby number three! That's so exciting, I am so happy for you guys!

Jensen Family said...

ok this is such a cute post :) but man, you like labor?! wow, i wish i was like you!! thats amazing! but congrats on #3... its a boy, i know it ;)

Audra said...

I love it Cassie. I agree, babies, pregnancy, everything about it is just a beautiful miracle. Glad you got to hear the heartbeat. My first heartbeat I was so happy I was crying and laughing at the same time, which made it a little difficult to hear.

Unknown said...

Hey Cassi:
So, it wasn't until just recently that i heard you were pregnant- and I see you twice a week. You hide it very well. I'm just glad that there is someone else out there that is my age and going on 3 kids. Luke and I were starting to feel really old for 24. Best of luck. Can't wait for you to find out what you're having!

Ashley said...

That is so exciting! Congratulations Cassie!

melissa marie said...

Beautiful post. I have always said you are like the mother of earth, meant to be a mother in every way. I miss you!

The Stones said...

Is it a boy or Girl? You and Curt need to come back and see us again. Maybe When Jordan and Sasha come over, think about it. Stone

The Stones said...

i love this post. i don't think i knew you were an all natural girl. i love it! i was at a shower just last night and this was my advice. "enjoy it, birth... there is NOTHING else like it" i really feel like the heavens open up for just moment! i could talk having babies all day, every day.