Wednesday, April 1, 2009

35 Weeks

I am 35 1/2 weeks and counting.  I am feeling good and getting anxious to meet this little guy.  I am planning to be induced on April 27th which is a week before my due date.  I'm not very excited about it because as you know I choose to have my baby's all natural and I've heard that the "PIT" intensifies the pain right away.  I'm crossing my fingers that the baby will come before the 27th so I can do most of the laboring at home again.  I am being induced so that Curt can have a day or two at home with the baby before he heads off to Tennessee.  


{jane} said...

LOVE that belly!

I hope you go into labor before you are induced! I've been induced a couple times, the nice thing is, it goes pretty quick - usually!

D'Laina said...

Crazy you are already 35 weeks! Well good luck hopefully evertyhing goes good!

Unknown said...

You look adorable!! Yah, PIT isn't a cake walk, that's for sure. But, if you can do a natural delivery... then you can probably handle anything. You're my Hero!!

Dustin, Kristin, Allie, Aubrie and Avie said...

Wow Cassie you look so good! I can't wait to see this little guy. I wonder who he'll look like! So exciting! I wish you were staying here this summer. Let me know if you need any help with anything! Love ya.

Hightower said...

You look great! You always look great though ; ) I hope all goes well with the delivery! I'm anxious to see pics of the little one

Carli and Tika said...

It kinda weird that it is that close! And I keep imagining this baby that looks just like the girls but a boy I don't know it's just weird! I can't wait. I am going to be so sad when you take everyone away from me for 3 months!

Karleen said...

Oh Cassie you look so cute. I am so jealous. Good luck I hope it does come before you have to be induced.

Reagan and Mike said...

wow, time just seems to fly by! you look awesome! the same you just a tummy. and a cute one i might add. hopefully it warms up before you go so we can go to the park!

Ashley said...

your belly is too perfect...have you even gained any weight??? You look great cass! and so random I totally ran into your mom playing craps down here in Vegas! LOL I hope all goes well with the delivery and hopefully that little one will come early that way you don't have to be induced.

Jensen Family said...

cassie you look so good! you look like you are more than ready to pop! i hope you go before the inducement... i've been induced both times and the PIT for me made my contractions come on so hard and fast..but i get the EP so it doesn't matter for me! you are awesome for doing it all natural, i never could!

mare said...

cassie, your tummy is sooo cute. and the best part is- within a flash you'll be back to normal again! congrats. ps my birthday is april 26, the day before your getting induced- its a perfect time to have a birthday

DELYNN said...

Cassie you look great! I hope all goes well with your delivery. I was induced with both mine, and the pain didn't start till they broke my water. Good luck!

Chelsey said...

I'm so jealous! You are all belly. Basically I get huge EVERYWHERE. I can't believe you're already on the home stretch!

Tannar and Maggie Rehrer said...

Wow! You look great! You're carrying so low! I hope it goes well! We'll be waiting to hear how the little dude is and if he looks like your beautiful girls! Good luck!!